
The 利昂县警长办公室 交通 Enforcement Unit is comprised of one sergeant, 还有六名副手.交通股负有若干责任, 包括交通执法, 驾驶障碍执法, 严重交通事故调查, 沉船服务局, 以及特殊事件操作.

The 交通 Unit is equipped with marked patrol vehicles and Harley Davidson motorcycles. All members of the unit are 执法 Motorcycle Rider certified - including the supervisors.

The 交通 Unit has the most advanced Radar and Laser speed detection tools, and uses state-of-the-art equipment to keep the roadways safe for our motorists. Members of the unit are highly motivated to find aggressive drivers and speeders on the roadways of 利县 including the City of Tallahassee.

The unit currently fields two stationary radar speed trailers used to monitor and control speed in the city and county. The unit regularly utilizes portable mess年龄 boards to deliver specific mess年龄s regarding safety information and campaigns.

The 交通 Unit is responsible for conducting 交通 Homicide Investigations and performing follow up investigations on hit and run crashes. Each deputy receives extensive training in vehicular homicide investigation. 他们的职责包括现场调查, 重建, 以及其他坠机后的调查,以便彻底, 完整的, reporting can be 完整的d for crashes which result in serious injury or death. Incidents result in an array of charges from simple traffic violations to first degree murder charges. The unit has a THI truck equipped with the latest 3D Laser Mapping system and Photogrammetry equipment. All this helps produce the most accurate maps of crash scenes and assists in the 重建 of crashes.

交通组的每名成员都接受过酒后驾车执法方面的培训. 该单位的成员负责酒后驾车饱和巡逻, 固定路障(酒后驾驶检查站), 还有巡逻. The 交通 Unit works in conjunction with other 年龄ncies as well as organizations such as MADD to perform checkpoints and saturation patrols. These operations are aimed at detecting and deterring impaired drivers, and educating citizens of 利县 of the dangers of driving impaired.

The Motor Unit is responsible for speed enforcement and other traffic related duties. They are utilized in special details to educate the public and help emphasize traffic safety issues. Five members of the Motor Unit are certified Police Motorcycle Instructors, which allows The Motor Unit to train on a monthly basis to maintain their skills and even compete in motorcycle rodeos such as the Capital City Challenge to show off their skills and help raise money for charity.

The 利昂县警长办公室 Wrecker Administrator conducts periodic and annual inspections of towing companies that perform rotation, 在利昂县的非建制地区非法侵入和漫游拖曳. The Wrecker Administrator conducts investigations of alleged violations of the 利县 Municipal Ordinance and Florida laws governing towing. If a vehicle owner believes that a provision of Florida law or the county ordinance has been violated in a towing situation, they may file a complaint with 利县 Wrecker Administrator in person, 或者通过呼叫 (850) 606-3295.

The overall mission of the 交通 Unit is to increase voluntary traffic law compliance, decrease crashes and prevent crashes involving death and serious bodily injury.

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